Name: Kris Chambers
Height: 6'0
Weight: 220 lbs.
Hometown: Toronto, On
Finisher: Superkick
Favourite Moves: Flying Elbow
Trained By: "Dangerboy" Derek Wylde, "Showtime" Erc Young, Rob Fuego
Kris Chambers is a soon to be break-out star. He's never disappointed the fans and consistently has top notch matches.
he has mainly. His agility and skill are cmparable to any top player in the game. He's been invited backstage numerous times
to the WWE, and almost had a tryout match at the age of 18 if it wasn't for a previous match going WAY too long.
Although he has hit the glass ceiling, all he needs is that one feud to become what could be the biggest star in Ontario
wrestling! He's hungry for gold, and with a new stage to show off, yo can count on the fact that he's going to use this opportunity
to his advantage!